
This page will reproduce the news about WWII published around the world. In case the information was not published in English there will be a resume in that language, but the article will be published as originally. Links to the sources will, always, be found at the end of the post.

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Sunday 27 June 2010

Mir fehlen die Worte

This story came out in the German newspaper “Die Zeit”.
It is about the millions of Russians POW’s from the Germans during WWII that never got any compensation.

There are about four to five thousand men still alive from 5,7 million that where made prisoners after 1941.

The Russians themselves forgot them, as they were seen as traitors. The former DDR never talked about them and even the new Germany, after deciding to compensate the slave worker’s they used during the war – a decision taken in 2000 – did not included the POW’s, although the Russians were used as slave workers also.

The story from “Die Zeit” refers about all this aspects and reports about a small club in Berlin, named “Kontakte”, that is trying to help all the forgotten persons victims from Nazism.

They are sending money to those men in Russia… It is not much but as most of them are living in very poor conditions that is one important help…


Verfolgt und vergessen: 5,7 Millionen sowjetische Soldaten gerieten nach 1941 in deutsche Gefangenschaft. Ein Berliner Verein hilft den letzten Überlebenden

DIE ZEIT, Christian Staas

Den gefallenen Sowjetsoldaten wurden Monumente errichtet wie hier im Berliner Tiergarten, die ehemaligen Gefangenen aber ignoriert man bis heute

Im Lager, schreibt Iwan Dmitrijewitsch Solonowitsch, »begann für mich der Schrecken des Krieges«. Im November 1940 ist er, gerade 19 Jahre alt, eingezogen worden. Wenige Wochen nach dem deutschen Überfall auf die Sowjetunion am 22. Juni 1941 entrinnt er, schwer verletzt, nur knapp dem Tod. Neun Monate später schickt man den jungen Mann erneut an die Front, auf der Krim kesseln die Deutschen seine Einheit ein. Solonowitsch wird ins Reich verschleppt, in ein Kriegsgefangenenlager in Hagen.

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