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Tuesday 5 April 2011

MI5: Zionists 'plotted to kill Churchill'

A Jewish extremist group proposed assassinating Winston Churchill, Britain's war-time leader, declassified files from Britain's spy agency have revealed, along with plans by the Nazis to poison food as part of a post WWII sabotage operation.
Eliyahu Bet-Zuri, who was hanged in 1945 for murdering Walter Guinness, also known as Lord Moyne, a British government minister in Cairo, suggested a plan to kill a number of "highly placed British political personalities, including Churchill", records released on Monday showed.
Major James Robertson, who worked for the MI5 Middle East section, wrote that threats made by Bet-Zuri in November 1944 were revealed by a member of the Stern Gang, an armed Zionist group that fought against the British presence in Palestine.
Robertson said the suspect told them that: "as soon as he [Bet-Zuri] returned to Stern Group headquarters he proposed to suggest a plan for the assassination of highly placed British political personalities, including Mr Churchill, for which purpose emissaries should be sent to London."
In February 1946 Britain's defence security officer in Palestine sent an encrypted telegram to London revealing a plot to kill ministers.
"Stern Group are training members to go to England to assassinate members of His Majesty's Government ...Stern further reported to be receiving practical sympathy from important Jews [in] Palestine," he wrote.

Read More at AL JAZEERA

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