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Wednesday 15 September 2010

65 years later, World War II widow receives soldier's medals

WASHINGTON — Roy John Spencer died when his bazooka blew up. He left behind a teenage bride and some unfinished business.
Some 65 years after Spencer's death, Anna Heinrichs of Coarsegold, Calif., reclaimed a wartime debt Tuesday. With some congressional help, the retired educator secured the medals for which her first husband paid dearly.

"I just can't fathom it," Heinrichs said Tuesday. "It's almost like it isn't real, after so many years."
Accompanied by family members — including her second husband, World War II Marine veteran Wes Heinrichs — Anna received her due Tuesday morning on the Speaker's Balcony of the U.S. Capitol. A combat-proven Army officer presented her with a Silver Star, a Purple Heart and other medals that Spencer earned long ago.

Read more at the MCCLATCHY NEWS

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