
This page will reproduce the news about WWII published around the world. In case the information was not published in English there will be a resume in that language, but the article will be published as originally. Links to the sources will, always, be found at the end of the post.

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Wednesday 13 April 2011

Archive to reveal new details on WWII Jews' arrests

By TOBY STERLING - The Associated Press

AMSTERDAM — The Netherlands' national archive said Tuesday it has gathered new information about the arrests and deportations of some 9,000 Dutch Jews during World War II.

The information, from a sealed archive on wartime collaborators, will reveal to some Dutch Jews the names of those who arrested their relatives and other precious facts about their final days as they were deported to Nazi concentration camps during the German occupation of the Netherlands from 1940 to 1945.

The project was carried out by journalist Ad van Liempt and a team of researchers who received special permission in Sept. 2010 to review dossiers of 250 collaborators who are no longer alive.

It primarily centers on the work of the "Henneicke Column" — a group of Dutch Nazi collaborators working in the investigative division of the government's Central Bureau for Jewish Emigration, which employed police and bounty hunters to find Jews who had escaped the net of the Nazis and their informers...

Read more at MSNBC

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