
This page will reproduce the news about WWII published around the world. In case the information was not published in English there will be a resume in that language, but the article will be published as originally. Links to the sources will, always, be found at the end of the post.

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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Remains of Jews killed by Romanian troops in WWII are buried, bodies discovered in forest

BUCHAREST, Romania - The remains of dozens of Jews killed by Romanian troops during World War II have been buried in a Jewish graveyard in the eastern city of Iasi.
The daily Eveniumentual Zilei reported Tuesday that seven rabbis from the United States, Britain and Romania took part in Monday afternoon's ceremony.
In November, a Holocaust-era mass grave containing the bodies of an estimated 100 Jews was discovered in a forest, offering further evidence of the country's involvement in wartime crimes.

Read more in the Winnipeg Free Press

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