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Tuesday 5 April 2011

UK Secret Service Documents Reveal WWII Nazi Poison Plot

Would-be German assassins armed with poison aspirin, cigarettes, and coffee parachuted in behind allied lines towards the end of World War II, according to documents released by British Security Service, MI5, on April 4.

The documents are a collection of interrogation reports, field reports, and correspondences, some hand written, from November 1944 to the end of August 1945, entitled “Use of Poisons by the German Sabotage Service.”

The workings of subversion operations planned by this specialized Nazi security services unit were further revealed when a unit of four German agents were captured in allied territory in France after their aircraft was shot down.

According to one of the document—a secret report from the Counterintelligence War Room London April 2,1945—terrorist tactics were a last ditch attempt by the Nazis at the very end of the war.


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